由于时效问题,该文某些代码、技术可能已经过期,请注意!!!本文最后更新于:5 个月前
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| pip install playwright playwright install chromium
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| import asyncio from playwright.async_api import async_playwright from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
async def fetch_data(url): async with async_playwright() as p: browser = await p.chromium.launch(headless=False) page = await browser.new_page()
await page.goto(url, timeout=600000)
await asyncio.sleep(3)
content = await page.content()
await browser.close()
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| import asyncio from playwright.async_api import async_playwright from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
usnews_dict = {}
async def fetch_data(page_number): url = f"https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/api/search?format=json&schoolType=national-universities&_sort=rank&_sortDirection=asc&_page={page_number}"
async with async_playwright() as p: browser = await p.chromium.launch(headless=False) page = await browser.new_page()
await page.goto(url)
json_data = await page.evaluate(''' (url) => { return fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => data) .catch(error => { throw new Error(error) }); } ''', url)
items = json_data.get('data', {}).get('items', []) for item in items: name = item['institution']['displayName'] linkTxt = item['institution']['linkedDisplayName'] linkSoup = BeautifulSoup(linkTxt, 'html.parser') link = 'https://www.usnews.com' + linkSoup.find('a').get('href') usnews_dict[name] = link
print(f"Page {page_number}:") for name, link in usnews_dict.items(): print(f"{name}: {link}")
await browser.close()
async def main(): for page_number in range(1, 11): time.sleep(10) await fetch_data(page_number)
with open('usnews-100.json', 'w') as json_file: json.dump(usnews_dict, json_file, indent=2)
- 异步爬虫,需要使用asyncio.run(main())来运行主函数
- 使用playwright时,需要使用async with async_playwright() as p:来启动浏览器
- 使用playwright时,需要使用await page.goto(url)来访问页面
- 使用playwright时,需要使用await page.evaluate(‘’’)来执行JavaScript代码
- 使用playwright时,需要使用await browser.close()来关闭浏览器
- 使用playwright时,需要使用await page.evaluate(‘’’)来获取页面数据